- 2017. Variations in Agreement Controller and Information Structure.Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society (KLS 37), 241-251.
- 2016. [Review] Lexical Relatedness: A Paradigm-based Model by Andrew Spencer. English Linguistics 33 (1): 202-212.
- 2016. (with Liselotte Snijders) Syntactic, Semantic and Information Structures of Floating Quantifiers. In Doug Arnold, Miriam Butt, Berthold Crysmann and Tracy Holloway King (eds.) Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, 478-498. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
- 2015. Generalising Functional Categories in LFG. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds.) Proceedings of the LFG15 Conference, 250-269. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
- 2014. Constructional Paradigm in Constraint-based Morphosyntax: A Case of Japanese Verb Inflection. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society 38 (BLS 38), 371-385.
- 2011. (with Ana Luís) Inflectional Morphology and Syntax in Correspondence: Evidence from European Portuguese In Alexandra Galani, Glyn Hicks and George Tsoulas (eds.) Morphology and Its Interfaces, 97-135. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- 2010. Morphosyntax of modals and quasi-modals. Humanitas 49, 113-140.
- 2009. Surface-oriented morphological network. Humanitas 48, 219-240.
- 2008. Agreement and path specification in Icelandic. Papers from the 41st Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 41), 385-399. Chicago Linguistic Society.
- 2007. Paradigm Gaps and Periphrases in the Japanese Conjugation System. Proceedings of Western Conference on Linguistics 2007 (WECOL 18), 160-172.
- 2007. Formal aspects of morphosyntax in LFG. (Review article of Projecting Morphology by Louisa Sadler and Andrew Spencer, CSLI Publications, 2004).English Linguistics 24 (1): 256-278.
- 2006. Dissociation between phrase structure and functions: A lexical-functional analysis of English negator not. In Yukio Oba and Sadayuki Okada (eds.) Osaka University Papers in English Linguistics 11, 85-109. Department of English Linguistics, Osaka University.
- 2006. (with Ana Luís) Mismatch phenomena from an LFG perspective. In Ryo Otoguro, Gergana Popova and Andrew Spencer (eds.) Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 48, 31-45. Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex.
- 2005. (with Ana Luís) Morphological and syntactic well-formedness: The case of European Portuguese proclitics. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds.) Proceedings of the LFG05 Conference, 253-270. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. [.pdf]
- 2005. (with Andrew Spencer) Limits to case — a critical survey of the notion.In Mengistu Amberber and Helen de Hoop (eds.) Competition and variation in natural languages: the case for case, 119-145. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- 2004. Case, adpositions and functional categories in LFG. York Papers in Linguistics Series 2, Issue2: Papers from the First York-Essex Morphology Meeting, 57-78. Department of Language Science and Linguistics, University of York.
- 2004. (with Ana Luís) Proclitic contexts in European Portuguese and their effect on clitic placement. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds.)Proceedings of the LFG04 Conference, 334-353. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. [.pdf]
- 2003. Focus clitics and discourse information spreading. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds.) Proceedings of the LFG03 Conference, 367-386. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. [.pdf]
- 2003. Focus clitics and discourse structure in LFG and PFM. In Damien Hall, Theodore Markopoulos, Angeliki Salamoura and Sophia Skoufaki (eds.)Proceedings of the University of Cambridge First Postgraduate Conference in Language Research, 140-146. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Language Research.
- 2010. (with Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hiroshi Umemoto, Kei Yoshimoto and Yasunari Harada) Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development, Waseda University.
- 2006. (with Andrew Spencer and Gergana Popove) Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 48. Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex.
- Object Agreement in Icelandic: Person Feature Prominency and Information Structure. The 22nd South of England LFG Meeting, SOAS, UK, 4 February 2017.
- Continuity and Discontinuity of Morphology and Syntax: A View from Periphrasis. Morphology & Lexicon Forum, Keio University, 11 September 2016 (Invited talk).
- (with Lielotte Snijders) Syntactic, Semantic and Information Structures of Floating Quantifiers. Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, Polish Academy of Science, Poland, 28 July 2016.
- Variation in Agreement Controller and Information Structure. The 41st of Annual Meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society, Ryukoku University, 11 June 2016 (Invited talk).
- Morphological Structure of Predicates and Syntactic Structure of Periphery. Wokshop at the 33rd Annual Meeting of English Linguistic Society of Japan. Kansai Gaidai University, 21 November 2015.
- Relative Clauses and Verb-adjective Transposition in Japanese. Workshop on Relative Clauses: Relatives in East Asia and Beyond, Cornell University, US, 15 November 2015.
- Tense Morphology and Argument Structure Alternations: An Analysis of Prenominal Modifiers in Japanese Lexicon Study Circle, 慶応義塾大学, 2015年9月26日.
- Tense Morphology and Argument Structure Alternations: An Analysis of Prenominal Modifiers in Japanese The Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, University College London, UK, 17 September 2015.
- Generalising Functional Categories in LFG. Workshop on Morphology, The 20th Lexical Functional Conference, Waseda University, Japan, 21 July 2015.
- Suppletive Periphrasis in LFG. Lexical Structure Research Group, University of Essex, 17 March 2015.
- Lexical Nature of Functional Projections. Research Seminar, University of Essex, 14 March 2014.
- Generalizing Functional Projections in LFG. Syntax Working Group, University of Oxford, 12 March 2014.
- Lexical Functional Grammar: A Constraint-based Grammar and Psychological Reality. Chuo University, 1 February 2014 (Invited talk).
- Distinctiveness of Morphological Features and Syntactic Positions The Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, SOAS, Unversity of London, UK, 28 August – 1 September 2013.
- Inflectional Morphology and Verb Positions. The 14th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Kyunghee University, South Korea, 9 March, 2013.
- A Paradigm-based Analysis of Japanese Verb Inflection. The 145th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Kyushu University, 25 November 2012.
- (with Ana Luís) Non-isomorphism and Microvariation: A Comparative Analysis of Pronominal Clitics in European and Brazilian Portuguese, Clitics and Beyond, University of Göttingen, Germany, 3–5 May, 2012.
- Constructional Paradigm in Constraint-based Lexicalism: The Case of Japanese Verb Inflection The 12th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Kyunghee University, South Korea, 24 March, 2012.
- Constructional Paradigm in Constraint-based Morphosyntax: A Case of Japanese Verb Inflection The 38th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society (BLS), University of California, Berkeley, USA, 11–12 February, 2012.
- Word-based Inflectional System in Japanese The Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, University of Leeds, UK, 1–4 September, 2010.
- Multiple Paradigmatic Structure and Lexemic Relations. The 5th York-Essex Morphology Meeting (YEMM), University of York, UK, 9–10 February 2008.
- Paradigm Gaps and Periphrases in the Japanese Conjugation System.Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), University of California, San Diego, USA, 30 November–1 December 2007.
- Structural and lexical case in monostratal grammar. The Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University of Cambridge, UK, 31 August–3 September 2005.
- (with Ana Luís) Morpohlogical and syntactic well-formedness: A case of European Portuguese proclitics. The 10th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG05), University of Bergen, Norway, 18–20 July 2005.
- Agreement path in Icelandic. The 10th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG05), University of Bergen, Norway, 18-20 July 2005.
- Agreement and path specification in Icelandic. The 41st Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS), University of Chicago, Chicago, USA, 7–9 April 2005.
- A path analysis of agreement target shift in LFG. The 6th Meeting of the Constraint-based Linguistics in the Southeast of England (CoBaLiSE), University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 1 April 2005.
- (with Ana Luís) Morphological tokens and phrase structure: Towards a treatment of phrasal affixes. The 2nd York-Essex Morphology Meeting (YEMM2), University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 27–28 November 2004.
- (with Ana Luís) The contexts triggering proclisis in European Portuguese and their effect on clitic placement. The 9th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG04), University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10–12 July 2004.
- P. Essex Postgraduate Seminar, 3 December 2003.
- Case, adpositions and functional categories in LFG. York-Essex Morphology Meeting (YEMM), University of York, UK, 29–30 November 2003.
- Focus clitics and discourse information spreading. The 8th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG03), State University of New York, Albany, USA, 16–18 July 2003.
- Focus clitics and discourse structure in LFG and PFM. The University of Cambridge Fisrt Postgraduate Conference (CamLing), University of Cambridge, UK, 26 April 2003.
- Nominal clitic ordering and recursive rule blocks. The Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) Spring Meeting, University of Sheffield, UK, 14–16 April 2003.
- Feature spreading and morphological realisation in PFM and LFG: Phrasal affixation and the morphology/syntax interface. Essex Postgraduate Seminar, 16 January 2003.
- Japanese syntactic verb-verb compounding and grammatical information spreading in LFG. The 3rd Meeting of Constraint Based Linguistics in the South East of England (CoBaLiSE), University of Cambridge, UK, 23 October 2002.
- Japanese verb-verb compounds and grammatical information spreading.The Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) Autumn Meeting, UMIST, Manchester, UK, 17–19 September 2002.
- Morphosyntax of case: A theoretical inverstigation of the concept. PhD thesis, University of Essex, 2006. [pdf]
- Word formation in syntax: Japanese verb-verb compounding and grammatical information spreading. MA dissertation, University of Essex, 2002.
- The Syntax and Semantics of With-constructions: A Lexical-Functional Grammar Approach. BA thesis, Osaka University, 2001.